What is Origin Tennis Hot Shots?
ANZ Tennis Hot Shots coaching sessions are run by qualified Origin Tennis Coaches across all our venues. Our Hotshots lessons are run in small groups where kids are introduced to a sport that they can play for life.
Book in for a Free Trial Hotshots Tennis Lesson!
Origin Tennis offers a free trial Hotshots Tennis Lesson for all new students at all of our venues, so that young children, their friends and other family members get to try out tennis first, before committing to the full term. Book in for a free trial today!
What to expect at a coaching lesson
Lessons run for 30 - 45 minutes. Using modified equipment, kids will be guided through the technical and tactical fundamentals of the game in an environment that will instill a love of the game. All lessons are underpinned by a philosophy of learning through play, and teach skills for life such as agility, flexibility, balance and speed. Lessons will keep kids constantly involved with lots of cooperative partner activities used to challenge kids to improve their skills every week.
Does my child need to bring anything?
It’s recommended that your child come to their first lesson in comfortable sports clothes, runners, a hat and with a bottle of water. If you’re unsure of what equipment to bring, your coach should be able to assist by lending a racquet for their first lesson.
Airport West Tennis Club
Olive Grove - Hansen Reserve - Airport West
6 Courts with Lights - 4 Synthetic Grass & 2 Hard Courts
Coaching Days: Monday to Friday & Sunday
What’s On: Hotshots, Squads, Private / Semi Privates, Adult Tennis and Cardio Tennis
Club Memberships, Social Tennis, Junior and Senior Competitions Available
Kingsville Tennis Club
Wattle Street, West Footscray
6 Courts with Lights - 4 Hard Court & 2 Synthetic Grass
Coaching Days: Monday to Friday & Sunday
What’s On: High Performance Academy, Hotshots, Squads, Private / Semi Privates, Adult Tennis and Cardio Tennis
Club Memberships, Social Tennis, Junior and Senior Competitions Available
Narrandjeri Tennis Centre
281 Darebin Road - Thornbury
4 Hard Courts with Lights
Coaching Days: Monday to Friday
What’s On: High Performance Coaching, Hotshots, Cardio Tennis, Adult Tennis, Private / Semi-Private
Court Hire and Social Play
St. Vincent's Tennis Club
13 Rosebank Avenue - Strathmore
2 Classic Clay Courts with Lights
Coaching Days: Monday to Friday
What’s On: School Lunch Time Coaching, Hotshots, Squads, Private / Semi Privates, Adult Tennis and Cardio Tennis
Club Memberships, Social Tennis, Junior and Senior Competitions Available